Edwin Gonzalez

Edwin Gonzalez

Spring Break update

My break consisted mostly of working on my portfolio. One of the biggest things I focused on was getting the site retina ready. Thankfully, the theme has retina support built into it. All that I have to do is upload…

Progress galore

I’ve been making some good progress with the online graph. I’ve grown more comfortable with the config.json file (controls some options for the display of the graph online). I’m still trying to figure out a good number for the min…

Feedback from professors

Over the course of the past two days, I’ve met with Andrew Pletch and Sara Jecko. Andrew has given me some interesting feedback in terms of technicality and the graph itself (not necessarily the content). Sara’s feedback was from the…

Customizing Sigma online

Looking through the CSS file, I finally figured out how to change some elements on the graph online. Some of the ID’s and classes are sort of arbitrary while others are pretty pretty straightforward. Nonetheless, it seems pretty customizable so…

So much snow

Lately, I’ve shifted my focus to the print side of my project. I’ve also been exploring with how I’m going to apply color to this project. Categories such as the time and BPMs will have one color (each separate BPM…

Feedback from 2/4 crit

Right away, everyone seemed very interested in what I was doing, which is awesome. Rebecca made an excellent point about this serving as a visual database for DJs since they are very concerned with the BPMs and key of a…