Category Thesis – Proposal


…but I have been making some progress. First, to address some mistakes with my thesis statement. Three things fellow students were having trouble with: Why is it called a personal narrative when I never mentioned a story that would be…

Interactive Narrative Content

While I’ve been doing research on all of this interactive media, I’ve been keeping Apple in the back of my mind. I recently bought an issue of Fast Company solely because Jony Ive (Apple’s Senior Vice President of Design) is…

Narrowing it down

Met with Amy again. Now I feel like I have a good focus as to what I want to do. Interestingly enough, all this research has been about what I’m going to be making; not what the content will be.…

More research

Some things have happened. A lot that I’m actually not pleased with (for now). I started going into the direction of this whole print vs. digital. I met with Amy on Friday and our meeting helped. Because of Interaction Design…


So I’m to two ideas. Both still sort of foggy of course. The first is this whole print vs digital. I asked my roommates about what they like most about magazines on the iPad as opposed to a printed one.…

Thinking thinking thinking…

Been thinking a lot about what I’d like to explore. Print vs. digital is starting to catch on to me. It’s something that I’ve always been interested in. Recently, I watched an interview with Erik Spiekermann where he talks about…