Customizing Sigma online

Looking through the CSS file, I finally figured out how to change some elements on the graph online. Some of the ID’s and classes are sort of arbitrary while others are pretty pretty straightforward. Nonetheless, it seems pretty customizable so far. I’ve also been playing around with color choices and node sizes. Gephi has a nice algorithm that can adjust the node size based on the amount of connections it has. It makes the graph look a little more interesting.

I’ve added decades and a range of BPMs to the graph. That way this graph can really show off the connections rather than just individual statistics. The updated graph can viewed here.

Now that I’ve gotten more comfortable with adjusting this (hopefully the developer of the Gephi plugin will update soon), I can move onto the print side of the project.

In addition, I have some meetings coming up:

Bob Lukomski on Friday @ TBD Going to have to reschedule this meeting.
Andrew Pletch on Monday @ 3:15
Sara Jecko on Wednesday @ TBD