
I’ve been looking at more themes for the site. But I’m not sure if I’ll purchase a theme. Jason made the suggestion of just using what I have for now and then using a bootstrap theme post-graduation to work on the site. For what I want it to do, he thinks WordPress may not be needed. I agree with him. But at the same time, if my direction changes in the future, I may wind up needing WordPress. We’ll see. For now, I’ve added some more information to the About section here. I really want this area to be a big part of the site because a lot of the explanation of the project and data visualization in general will take place here. So really, there are only two parts of the site.

As for the print, I realized last night there are a lot of categories missing from that graph. So I added the length to it. I also had a problem where some song titles in my spreadsheets had en dashes (not sure why I did that), others had a dash and others had a space surround the dash. The reason for this is because each category for the print portion has it’s own spreadsheet. So I wasn’t consistent. As I’m writing this, I realize I’m going to have to go back into it one more time to remove the song titles. I just want the dates to be visible on the print (it’s going to be too cluttered with the song titles alongside the date). When I added the length, I changed the line weight of both the length and BPM ranges. Again, this is because there are 5 ranges within those categories. The thicker the line, the higher up in range it is (5+ minutes=the thickest). Running the ForceAtlas layout in Gephi gave me this result, which was unexpected:

Screen Shot 2014-04-14 at 2.26.28 AM

Sorry for the crap quality. But it has arranged the graph based on the line thickness. So I still have the Key Signatures to add to this. That should be done by tomorrow evening at the latest (signed up to work from 11-6 in OLB on Tuesday, so I’ll have all day to focus on this).