So much snow

Lately, I’ve shifted my focus to the print side of my project. I’ve also been exploring with how I’m going to apply color to this project. Categories such as the time and BPMs will have one color (each separate BPM won’t have it’s own color). The nodes and edges (the line that connects each node) will both have the same color. 

So, speaking of print, what do I envision? A poster for sure. I think this sort of data can look beautiful on a huge print, when looking at the data as a whole. The interactive part comes into play when a viewer would like to dig deeper into the data (speaking of which, I’ve updated the graph online here.)

In terms of what’s going on with the interactive side, I’ve reached out to the developer who makes the sigma.js exporter. Here’s his reply:

At the moment, the simplest solution is probably to use the earlier 0.1 version of the force atlas plugin.

The interface for sigma.js has changed substantially between the versions, which means it isn’t just a matter of substituting one file for another. I do plan to update the plugin to use the latest version, but this won’t be until next month at the earliest.

So he is working on it. Hopefully, he will release it next month. That would help me a great deal. In the meantime, I’ll keep using the current version. I also haven’t gotten that earlier version of force atlas to work. I need to look that over again.

I’ve tried using Seadragon but with no succes (yet). It either hangs or crashes (and corrupts my Gephi file). It seems I need to allow Gephi to use more ram. Thankfully, I have an insane amount installed on my laptop. So that shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll try it again tonight.

There’s one more thing I’d like to try with sigma, but it’s a little difficult and I still haven’t had much success with it. Sigma can read GEXF files which Gephi is able to export. However, I don’t know how much control I have over the color. I may not even continue trying to figure that out. I’ve tried this past week and it’s starting to look like a dead end.

Now that I have a clear about sigma, I can begin looking into organizing this data differently using Gephi.

Forgot to add this image:

music graph