Thinking thinking thinking…

Been thinking a lot about what I’d like to explore. Print vs. digital is starting to catch on to me. It’s something that I’ve always been interested in. Recently, I watched an interview with Erik Spiekermann where he talks about the subject. He believes that designers will eventually reach a point where they won’t be thinking about the medium they’re designing for. That’s a weird concept for me to grasp because that is the first thing I think about when selecting a typeface. I even think about the paper that it’s being printed on before coming to a final decision. I can’t imagine not taking that into consideration anymore. I’ll have to look more into it.

EDIT: Something that just came to me…although I am trying to stay away from Apple, one thing that has struck me about them is the way people look at it as a social status. It’s the “cool” thing to own. Where I along with other designers do see the value of these products. I mean, the MacBook Pro I’m using now is from 2007. I haven’t had any problems with it (I am looking to get a new one though). Another thing I’d like to explore with them are these markets they sort of create. Like the tablet one. Something else to consider…