The MyCite App

Project Type
UX/UI Design
Design System

Human Factors Testing
UI Design

Part of a digital medicine system that helps you and your healthcare team stay on top of how your treatment is going.

Check In Flow Improvements

A major part of the app is the ability for patients to complete a daily check in. This check-in comprises of logging moods with associated contributors, the previous night’s sleep quality and current energy level.

As the entire app was receiving a major overhaul, the check-in flow was one of the biggest areas of focus on receiving a massive re-design. This included new custom iconography for the moods and contributors screens and new illustrations for the sleep quality and energy screens.

Custom Emoji & Contributor Icons

Coping Library & Activities

The coping library serves as a place of inspiration. Because of the wide range of mental illnesses that users may have, the library aims to offer suggestions on low effort activities that can make a difference in everyday life.

The library can be accessed by either the home screen or by completing a daily check in. Upon completing a check in, the app will recommend a coping activity to try based on the energy level the user selected. A reminder for the coping activity remains persistent on the app’s home screen until the user marks the activity as complete.

Coping Activity Illustrations
Email & Password Validation

Each user was given an email and password to use when creating an account during onboarding. We needed to mimic the error and success states of these fields. By using variables and conditions, that functionality was able to be replicated in ProtoPie.

Capturing User Input

We wanted the prototype to feel like the real app. By assigning values to variables, we can capture data such as which coping activity users commit to completing. This workflow makes it easier to capture other choices the user makes throughout the prototype.

Animations & Interactions

We used these prototypes as an opportunity to create something more tangible out of our designs, bringing them as close to reality as possible. This allowed us to get more buy in from stakeholders and better communication with the dev team.

Guide & Tools

One of the most powerful features of ProtoPie is the ability to manipulate one prototype with another. This allows moderators to be reactive to situations such as choices users might make during testing or even which device they use at home.

With our tests, we wanted to make sure the moderator had the option to offer both iOS and Android. I was able to build in the OS choice at the beginning of each prototype. When selected, system modals would reflect that choice.

Pairing The Patch

One of the ways we were able to get around the limitation of not being able to pair the physical patch with a prototype was by building out an interaction that a moderator could tap to simulate a bluetooth pair request. To the test participant, the prototype is working as if it were the real app.